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What To Expect When You Visit Us

Our Sundays start with Bible study. We have classes for all ages. Both kids and adults can enjoy a time of thought provoking Bible study on their level.


We then will have our worship service. This will include singing, praying, partaking of the Lord’s Supper, taking up the collection (offering), and a lesson from God’s Word. We only take up the offering on Sunday, as was the practice and example of the early church.


Often our members will stay and fellowship for a while before we all head out to lunch and various places.


Sunday evening is less formal. We still have singing and praying. We offer the Lord’s Supper to anyone that was not able to partake of it on Sunday morning. Our lesson from the Bible often times includes some discussion. We all learn from each other.


Wednesday evening we have another opportunity to gather together to study from God’s Word. We again have Bible classes for all age groups.


We strive to be the church that you read about in the New Testament Scriptures.





Rocky Mount church of Christ

39 Woodman Rd

Rocky Mount, VA 24151


(540) 483-5976



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Worship Times



    Bible Study: 10:00am

    Morning Worship: 11:00am

    Evening Worship: 7:00pm



    Bible Study: 7:00pm


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