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About Us

We are a congregation of Christians that do not adhere to any denomination but are guided only by the inspired Word of God, the Bible. We believe therein lies all we need pertaining to life and godliness.

Christ died for you. Are you ready to learn how to live for Him? Join us for one of our scheduled meeting times and see what you have been missing.

Who We Are:

We are a warm, caring, loving, and inviting congregation and we look forward to your visit!

What We Believe:

We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is all we need for instruction on how to live a Christian life. We have no creed books as we only teach from God’s Word; the Bible.

What to Expect:

Our Sundays start with Bible study. We have classes for all ages. Both kids and adults can enjoy a time of thought provoking Bible study on their level.

Bible Studies Available:


Correspondence Course (via mail) or Home Bible Study please contact us at (540) 483-5976 or email at

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